Zhuqi Xiao

Animal Detection Networks

Abstract: The project aims to provide a demo animal detection model with the long-term goal of developing a phone application. Two different state-of-art algorithms are tested out, one is YOLOv5...

Count-min Sketch 算法

简介 Count-min Sketch算法是一个可以用来计数的算法,在数据大小非常大时,一种高效的计数算法,通过牺牲准确性提高的效率。 是一个概率数据机制 算法效率高 提供计数上限 其中,重要参数包括 Hash 哈希函数数量: k 计数表格列的数量: m 内存中用空间: $k \times m \times \text{size of counter}$ ...

Generate Digit Images using VAE

Abstract: In the last decade, deep learning based generative models have gained more and more attention due to their tremendous progress. Among these models, there are two major families of the...

Note for Learning Git

Basics CMD Note git --version Display current git version git config --global --edit Open git global config file and then you...

